

List of useful commands for the basic functions of your server using our asset, you can execute them using ExecuteCommand or read them informatively.




You can with this command make a load to your skin

1. revive player

This event is revive the player, After the death of the player

Config.ReviveTrigger = 'hospital:client:Revive'

2. Blips

You can modify the text and numbers as well as the color of the blips in this brief tutorial. To learn more about blips and their colors, visit this website:

Config.Blips = {
	Text = 'PaintBall Game',
	Number = 437,
	Color = 15,

3. Location

You must obtain your coordinates from your server and enter them here in order to change the coordinates of the player respawn location after the conclusion of the game and the round.

Config.QuitLocation = vector4(-282.04971313477, -2031.4914550781, 30.145713806152, 309.85150146484)
Config.SpectateLocation = vector4(5487.98828125, 5969.650390625, 633.63629150391, 260.6865234375)

4. change time

You will learn how to adjust the round's duration (Defult Game Minutes) and the additional round duration (After The Defult Time Ending), where 3 = 3 minutes and 0.5 = 30 seconds, respectively.

Config.RoundTime = 3 -- Defult Game Minutes
Config.ExtraTime = 0.5 -- Death Match Minutes (After The Defult time ending)

5. weapon setting

The weapon that players use in the game and ammo for each player all this you can change it in two lines, just change the name of the weapon and the number of ammo.

Config.Weapon = 'weapon_snspistol_mk2' -- Paintball Weapon
Config.Ammo = 500 -- Weapon Ammo

6. map coords

In this configuration, there are two teams, each of which has its own spawn locations as well as overtime spawn points.

["Area"] ={
	['team1'] = {
		defultspawns = { -- First Team Spawn Locations
			vector4(5432.2553, 6079.1948, 590.00689697266, 269.86761474609),
			vector4(5427.9750976563, 6077.3999023438, 590.00689697266, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5431.9208984375, 6084.8969726563, 590.00689697266, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5425.8349609375, 6084.3686523438, 590.00689697266, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5430.9848632813, 6089.5698242188, 590.00689697266, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5424.2866210938, 6090.1762695313, 590.00689697266, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5424.3984375, 6074.7065429688, 590.00689697266, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5420.1298828125, 6089.1508789063, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5425.2822265625, 6087.5649414063, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5430.3627929688, 6092.634765625, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5428.1098632813, 6087.048828125, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5428.7138671875, 6081.4755859375, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5431.224609375, 6075.3090820313, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5424.6391601563, 6080.1987304688, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5422.0361328125, 6086.0830078125, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5426.8203125, 6089.4838867188, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5428.1342773438, 6094.8310546875, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5426.3344726563, 6091.6381835938, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5422.0180664063, 6092.7495117188, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5424.3403320313, 6093.7475585938, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5428.3071289063, 6091.0561523438, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5429.9194335938, 6087.1484375, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5424.5546875, 6077.9072265625, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5427.2294921875, 6072.9428710938, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5431.3823242188, 6082.2827148438, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5429.095703125, 6072.0083007813, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5428.6796875, 6079.505859375, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5421.6811523438, 6088.0439453125, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5423.2353515625, 6082.8227539063, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
			vector4(5427.6845703125, 6083.994140625, 590.00030517578, 267.56829833984),
		overtimespawn = vector4(5626.2216796875, 6099.3637695313, 590.00689697266, 349.71899414063), -- First Team Death Match Spawn Loc, after finish the time
	['team2'] = {
		defultspawns = { -- Secend Team Spawn Locations
			vector4(5571.0073, 6080.0024, 590.00689697266, 92.618515014648),
			vector4(5568.0922, 6081.0371, 590.00689697266, 92.618515014648),
			vector4(5569.3398, 6089.7402, 590.00689697266, 92.618515014648),
			vector4(5575.5278320313, 6089.4887695313, 590.00689697266, 87.864280700684),
			vector4(5577.40234375, 6085.5502929688, 590.00689697266, 89.869155883789),
			vector4(5573.2421875, 6085.8188476563, 590.00689697266, 86.004928588867),
			vector4(5578.3237304688, 6081.9116210938, 590.00689697266, 77.081893920898),
			vector4(5568.6049804688, 6083.3188476563, 590.0078125, 91.633850097656),
			vector4(5568.9296875, 6085.2641601563, 590.00787353516, 96.628234863281),
			vector4(5569.5708007813, 6087.3974609375, 590.0078125, 92.411689758301),
			vector4(5571.4970703125, 6081.8012695313, 590.00689697266, 91.801765441895),
			vector4(5572.0712890625, 6083.7250976563, 590.00775146484, 85.616271972656),
			vector4(5572.7114257813, 6089.0678710938, 590.00793457031, 81.317367553711),
			vector4(5575.16796875, 6083.8662109375, 590.00787353516, 89.737770080566),
			vector4(5574.7099609375, 6081.818359375, 590.00775146484, 82.626770019531),
			vector4(5574.9619140625, 6080.1591796875, 589.39013671875, 86.986717224121),
			vector4(5578.2573242188, 6080.0288085938, 589.39007568359, 84.705421447754),
			vector4(5578.8715820313, 6084.0268554688, 590.0078125, 91.726036071777),
			vector4(5572.8896484375, 6087.5810546875, 590.00775146484, 83.212120056152),
			vector4(5576.3334960938, 6087.2866210938, 590.0078125, 84.732078552246),
			vector4(5580.6455078125, 6085.4663085938, 590.00775146484, 85.536666870117),
			vector4(5579.5458984375, 6087.34765625, 590.00769042969, 80.257827758789),
			vector4(5580.2236328125, 6088.912109375, 590.00775146484, 88.237762451172),
			vector4(5570.3374023438, 6091.6987304688, 589.39013671875, 86.380470275879),
			vector4(5573.2954101563, 6091.9404296875, 589.39025878906, 95.731956481934),
			vector4(5576.2348632813, 6092.060546875, 590.0078125, 95.47599029541),
			vector4(5579.8725585938, 6091.7524414063, 590.00787353516, 86.970726013184),
			vector4(5582.841796875, 6090.4877929688, 590.0078125, 87.768699645996),
			vector4(5583.9643554688, 6088.822265625, 590.0078125, 89.267852783203),
			vector4(5583.8120117188, 6087.0014648438, 590.0078125, 88.411010742188),
			vector4(5584.5239257813, 6085.2104492188, 590.00787353516, 80.931289672852),
			vector4(5582.4931640625, 6084.0307617188, 590.0078125, 83.540496826172),
			vector4(5582.8076171875, 6081.7700195313, 590.0078125, 87.429344177246),
			vector4(5582.9658203125, 6079.9106445313, 590.0078125, 84.999366760254),
		overtimespawn = vector4(5628.6538085938, 6131.7885742188, 590.00689697266, 170.53958129883),  -- Secend Team Death Match Spawn Loc, after finish the time

7. Clothes setting

you have two teams blue and red In each team you have male and female, if you wanna change the clothes you mast to go to your server and take the number of your close and put it in the config.

Config.ClothesData = {
	["team1"] = { --  First Team , Blue
		Male = { -- Male
			['gloves'] = {
				Number = 17 ,
				Texure =  0,
			['legs'] = {
				Number = 158 ,
				Texure =  3,
			['shoes'] = {
				Number = 120 ,
				Texure =  3,
			['undershirt'] = {
				Number = 15 ,
				Texure =  0,
			['jacket'] = {
				Number = 291 ,
				Texure =  3,
			['vest'] = {
				Number = 0 ,
				Texure =  1,
			} ,
			['mask'] = {
				Number = 28 ,
				Texure =  0,
		Female = {-- Female
			['gloves'] = {
				Number = 49 ,
				Texure =  0,
			['legs'] = {
				Number = 121 ,
				Texure =  3,
			['shoes'] = {
				Number = 74 ,
				Texure =  3,
			['undershirt'] = {
				Number = 15 ,
				Texure =  0,
			['jacket'] = {
				Number = 293 ,
				Texure =  3,
			['vest'] = {
				Number = 0 ,
				Texure =  1,
			} ,
			['mask'] = {
				Number = 37 ,
				Texure =  0,

	["team2"] = { -- Secend Team , Red
		Male = { -- Male
			['gloves'] = {
				Number = 17 ,
				Texure =  0,
			['legs'] = {
				Number = 158 ,
				Texure =  5,
			['shoes'] = {
				Number = 120 ,
				Texure =  5,
			['undershirt'] = {
				Number = 15 ,
				Texure =  0,
			['jacket'] = {
				Number = 291 ,
				Texure =  5,
			['vest'] = {
				Number = 0 ,
				Texure =  1,
			} ,
			['mask'] = {
				Number = 28 ,
				Texure =  0,
		Female = { -- Female
			['gloves'] = {
				Number = 49 ,
				Texure =  0,
			['legs'] = {
				Number = 121 ,
				Texure =  5,
			['shoes'] = {
				Number = 74 ,
				Texure =  5,
			['undershirt'] = {
				Number = 15 ,
				Texure =  0,
			['jacket'] = {
				Number = 293 ,
				Texure =  5,
			['vest'] = {
				Number = 0 ,
				Texure =  1,
			} ,
			['mask'] = {
				Number = 37 ,
				Texure =  0,

Last updated

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