we must add our discord webhook, If you don't know how to get a webhook, it's easy and we explain it in a few steps in the following video. Watch it carefully so you don't miss any step :
Config['Webhok'] = "" -- Discod log Webhook Link
4. Language
in l2s-spaying you can change the Language to any Language do you want.
Config['Language'] = {
["SearhBar"] = "Searching for the monitoring device...",
["InstalBar"] = "Monitoring device is installing...",
["ErrorIP"] = "Incorrect input ",
["TrackSuccess"] = "The person has been located on GPS",
["NoneNearYou"] = "There is no one near you",
["HaveOne"] = 'This person has a monitor',
["RemoveDone"] = 'The device has been removed successfully',
["PlayerIsOffline"] = 'This player is offline'
5. Track Setting Blips
In this short tutorial you will learn how to add and edit a blips, you can change the text and you need to change the numbers and the color of the blips , you need this website to know the blibs and colors :